- Kent State University Kent, Ohio- Master of Liberal Studies:Culture Through Technology 1999
Additional Education 1976-96
- University of Akron, Kent State University, Wright State University, Cleveland Institute of Art
- Kent State University Kent, Ohio- BS in Education 1972
- Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio-BFA: Fine Arts, Drawing, Printmaking 1969
Past Organizations
- Enamelist Society
- International Society for Education Through Art (INSEA)
- The Artist's Network of Kent (TANK)
- Young Audiences of Greater Cleveland artist
- Adjunct professor Ashland University
- Adjunct Faculty Art Ed. Supervisor, Kent State University
- Rotary Club of Rockport, Massachusetts
- Kindergarten, 1st Grade teacher for children of migrant families at the Gargiulo Education Center, Naples Florida
- Substitute teaching Rockport High School, Rockport, MA
- Artist in Residence, Orange High School, Ohio 2008-2014
- Young Audiences Mural Artist
- Akron Lock 3 Summer Art Experience Artist 2006,2007
- Assisted KSU Art Education students to Italy study tour, May-June, 2005
- Assisted KSU Honors students in study trip to Merida, Mexico, 2005
- Co-director Kent State Art Dept. student study trip to Mexico, 2004
- Green High School Art Teacher 1972- 2002
- Gifted Education Advisory Committee (GHS) 2000
- Coordinator, Cultural Student Exchange, Instituto de Thomas Jefferson, Mexico City 2000
- Crew Leader, (GHS) Cultural Venturers (BSA) 1999-2001
- Environmental Club Founder, Advisor (SAFE-GHS) 1990-95, 2001-02
- Art Club Advisor (GHS) 1977-2001
- Advisory Committee, Scholastic Art Awards 1976-1990, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
- Photo Teacher (GHS) 1978-1990, 2000, 2001, 2002
- Art Dept. Chairperson (GHS) 1980-1998
- Fine and Performing Arts Department Chair (GHS) 1991-1998
- Established Cultural Studies Program (GHS) 1997
- Director of Student Cultural Visit to Costa Rica 1997
- Co-director Cultural Studies Exchange with Thomas Jefferson Institute, Mexico City, 2000, 2001
- Video Club Founder, Advisor 1990-97
- Telecommunications Teacher 1988-1996
- Faculty Senate President (GHS) 1986-89
- Established Telecommunications Program (GHS) 1988
- Guest Speaker Summit PTA 1979
- Established Photography Dept. (GHS) 1978
- GHS Yearbook Advisor 1974-1978
Honors, Awards
- Honored Educator (GHS) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
- Friend of Children Award-GHS PTSA, 2001-2002
- Ohio Media Institute Chosen Participant (Ohio University) 1994, 1995
- Shining Example Award, Summit County 1993 (All school district recycling program)
- Martha Holden Jennings Scholar 1993
- Roselyn Kohler Teaching Award of Excellence 1985
Grants, Commissions Awarded
- Akron Public Library Mural Commission 2004
- Guitarmania II, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland 2004
- Akron Children's Hospital Rain forest mural commission 2003
- Green Foundation Grant 2000, 2001
- Phi Delta Kappa Teacher Grant 1999
- GHS PROSAC Grant 1998
- Green Foundation Grant 1997-98
- Goodyear Foundation Grant 1988, 1994
- GAR Foundation Grant 1988, 1993
- Green Board of Education Matching Grant 1993
- Burton Morgan Foundation Grant 1990
- Louis and Mary Myers Foundation Grant 1989
- PT3 Grant, Kent State University 2001
- Wal Mart Environmental Grant 1997, 2001
Current and recent Involvement
- Kindergarten, 1st Grade teacher for children of migrant families at the Gargiulo Education Center, Naples Florida
- Substitute teaching Rockport High School, Rockport, MA
- Artist in Residence, Orange High School, Ohio 2008-2014
- Young Audience residencies 2008: Our Lady of Peace School, Shaker Heights, Orange High School
- A selected artist for the City of Akron Lock 3 Summer Arts Experience 2007: Akron : Past : Present : Future (assemblage mural) in Akron's Historical District and for 2006's Komodo Kingdom Mural at the Akron Zoo
- Archbishop Hoban High School, Artist in Residence, November, 2005, 2006, 2007
- Kent State University Art Education supervisor for student teachers 2003-present
- NEOEA Day workshop "Back to the Maya", October 14, 2005
- Steinert Glass School & Kent Parks and Recreation Summer Art Program, featured Artist, Art in the Park 2005, 2006
- Summer Reading project-Kent State University 2005
- Kent State University, Art Education Pilot Program - Florence, Italy, May 2005
- Large Scale Porcelain Enameled Mural: "Enlightenemnt Heals" for Akron Public Library Firestone Park Branch, Akron, Ohio. Fall, 2004
- Guitarmania II Encore 2004 Artist for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. Personal theme: "Rock Aid Benefits The World"
- Art teacher St. Joseph School, Randolph, Ohio 2004-2005
- Teacher of Enameling and metals workshops, Steinert Glass School, Kent, Ohio 2003-2006
- Enameling Artist in residence at Tallmadge HS and Kent Roosevelt HS 2003
- Student memorial sculpture commission for Green Intermediate School, Green Local Schools, Summit Co. Winter-spring 2002-2003
- Akron Children's Hospital Rainforest Mural Project With Hoban HS Art Club students 2003
- Adjunct Professor, Ashland University 2003-present
- Akron Children's Hospital Art Commission Project with Hoban HS Art Club Students Spring 2003
- Presented environmental enameled sculpture to the Quetzal Education Research Center in San Gerardo de Dota, Costa Rica, summer of 2001